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Published by
RRZE management
Regional Data Center Erlangen (RRZE)
Martensstraße 1
91058 Erlangen
Phone: +49 9131 85-29955
Represented by
The Regional Computer Center Erlangen (RRZE) is a public institution within the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU). According to Art. 20, 21 BayHSchG, FAU is a state institution and self-governing body under public law.
Regulatory authority
Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst
Value-added tax (VAT) identification number
Our VAT identification number according to § 27a of the VAT act (Umsatzsteuergesetz) is DE 132507686.
Unless specified otherwise, all content on the provider's website services are subject to copyright laws. This affects texts, pictures and graphics, as well as style, sound, video and animation files, and their arrangement on the websites themselves.
Duplication and use of websites (or parts thereof) in other electronic or printed media (including the internet) and their publication is only allowed with prior assent. Reproduction and analysis of press statements, publications, scripts and lecture papers is allowed as long as the source is given.
Pictures, graphics, text or other files can be subject to third party copyrights as well.
All trademarks mentioned within the websites that are protected by third party copyrights are subject to their respective trademark laws and are owned by the respective companies. Reference within our websites does not imply that they are not protected by third party rights.
The operator RRZE has compiled and checked all the information provided on the websites to the best of their abilities. No responsibility is taken, however, for the currentness, correctness, completeness, quality or constant availability of the information provided. No liability is assumed by the provider for possible damage during the download or executing of files due to computer viruses or during the installation or use of software. Web sites identified by name express the opinions and perceptions of their publishers.
The provider reserves the right to change, add to, or delete web sites and parts or all of the web services, and to suspend the release temporally or permanently without prior notice.
Links and references (Disclaimer)
The provider is responsible only for the "own content" in accordance to current laws. This content is to be distinguished from links to websites of other providers. These links are marked as "external link" and allow the use of content from external sources.
These links are for the express purpose of providing access to the use of these external sources. The provider is in no way responsible for these external contents. Access to the external contents is not initiated by the provider and neither the nature of the content nor the recipient is chosen by the provider. The provider does neither change the information nor does he automatically cache part or all of the linked content, so that no liability for the external content is taken on part of the provider.
The websites' respective authors or the provider's editorial staff are checking the content of external websites when they are first linked, to see if any accountability under criminal or civil law is evident. If the provider realizes, or of it is brought to his attention, that one of his links inflict an accountability under criminal or civil law, the said link will be removed immediately, if it is technically viable and reasonable.
For illegal, erroneous or imcomplete content, and especially for damage caused by the use or disuse of information provided by third parties, only the provider of the respective site linked is liable.