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User Groups/Types


All user groups and their sub-division into user types. All Persons who fall into one or more of these categories are eligible to use services provided by FAU.

User group User type
Comments regarding selection of user type
Information regarding issue of IdM or guest identification
This column list hints on which steps need to be carried out for each type of user to provide and activate an IdM-identification. In this filed you find the following hints which apply to all users:
  1. Activation of the IdM-identification: The activation of the IdM-identification is the requirement for personnel-based provisioning of IT-services. The following steps must be completed after the IdM-identification has been generated in order to activate it:
    • At first every user receives the login data to the IdM-Portal of the FAU at a service counter of the RRZE either personally (or through a representative)against photo identification (I.D. card, passport) or residence permit.
    • Then the user accesses the IdM-Portal of the FAU in a Web browser, selects 'activate user account' and enters the login data.
  2. Postal delivery of the activation letter (login data) to the home or work address can be requested informally (by phone or E-Mail) at a service counter of the RRZE: This option is not available for all types of users.
Granting basis for services
Affiliation of an individual with a user type is provided based on justification for granting an IdM-identification. In case no justification has been provided (yet) and an entitlement for the service has been established, the individual should be associated with user type "other" (in the mean time).
Service permission
The following applies to all requested IT-services:
  • Granting of IT-services falls to the RRZE.
  • Granting methods depend on the requested service and on how an individual is grouped into the user types.
  • IT-services that can be made available automatically are accessible immediately after activation of the IdM-identification.
  • The activation of the IdM-identification is in principle available one month before the start of the service period so that necessary workflows can be completed until the beginning of the service period.
  • In addition some of the IT-services pass through a workflow before they can be provisioned, which delays activation.
Legal basis
Employees Employees Employees (incl. apprentices), civil service employees, professors emeriti (Prof. em.), retired professors (Prof. i. R.) who are administered by the ZUV, Abteilung PVIVA personnel management system.

The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is put in effect implicitly, i.e. without application.

  • an employment contract at the FAU
  • a certificate of appointment of the FAU
  • or articles of apprenticeship of the FAU
  • or a contract of service at the FAU
according to employment contract or appointment Member of the FAU: Art. 19 Abs. 1 Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG)
Employees Pre-Employees individuals who need an early accommodation as prospective employees of the FAU.
  1. The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is put in effect explicitly, i.e. by application.
  2. The need for early accommodation must be described and explained in the field 'explanation'
Prospective employment based on confirmation by the employing FAU organizational unit or the HR department.

The occasion may arise that services that are offered by publishers, software suppliers or as part of a framework contact of universities or entities, cannot be used before commencement of employment (based on the conditions for using these services).

maximum of four (4) months

To bridge the contractless periods of a regularly recurring teaching assignment, if necessary, also up to 6 months.

not a member of the FAU
Employees Post employee Individuals who, as former FAU employees, have a need for an IdM identifier immediately following termination of employment for non-duty reasons.
  1. The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is put in effect explicitly, i.e. by application.
  2. This application can only be submitted 60 days after the end of the employment.
  3. The non-duty need for continued service support must be justified in the Explanations field of the application.
The expiring or expired employment relationship is noted as expired affiliation in the IdM-profile of the user
  • The occasion may arise that services that are offered by publishers, software suppliers or as part of a framework contact of universities or entities, cannot be used after the end of employment (based on the conditions for using these services).
nine (9) months not member of the FAU
Employees Volunteers Individuals who work for the benefit of theFAU without compensation and are therefore recognized as members of the FAU .
  1. The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is put in effect explicitly, i.e. by application.
  2. Justification for an IdM-username must be submitted along with the application. Individuals listed on the website for Honorary senators and citizens of the FAU or are listed as FAU-ambassadors are not required to supply supporting documents.
Granting basis for this work is:
  • either a service contract of the FAU
  • or a certificate of appointment as honorary member of the FAU
  • or a certificate of appointment as honorary senator of the FAU
  • or a certificate of appointment as honorary citizen of the FAU
  • or a certificate of appointment as ambassador for the FAU
  • The occasion may arise that services that are offered by publishers, software suppliers or as part of a framework contact of universities or entities, cannot be used
period of the service contract / certificate member of the FAU: Art. 19 Abs. 1 Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG)
Employees Student Employees Student employees without degree or with Bachelors degree who are administered by the ZUV, Abteilung P

The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is put in effect implicitly, i.e. without application.

    Granting basis is an employment contract with the FAU. It is listed in the IdM-profile of the user. according to employment contract Member of the FAU: Art. 19 Abs. 1 Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG)
    Employees Visiting Lecturers Individuals who teach on a limited basis without employment contract with the FAU and who are administered by the ZUV, Abteilung P.

    The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is put in effect implicitly, i.e. without application.

    Granting basis is a teaching appointment of the ZUV, Abteilung P, Ref P 3. It is listed as affiliation in the IdM-profile of the user. End of current semester (usually March 31st or September 30th) Member of the FAU: Art. 19 Abs. 1 Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG)
    Employees Assistant professors Individuals with completed habilitation and teaching appointment at the FAU who are administered by the ZUV, Abteilung P

    The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is put in effect implicitly, i.e. without application.

      Granting basis is a certificate of appointment of the dean of a faculty of the FAU. The appointment is listed as affiliation in the IdM-profile of the user. according to the period of the teaching appointment Member of the FAU: Art. 19 Abs. 1 Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG)
      Employees Honorary Professors Individuals with title of professor and teaching engagement at the FAU without professorship or holding a chair who are administered by the ZUV, Abteilung P.

      The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is put in effect implicitly, i.e. without application.

      Granting basis is a certificate of appointment of the president of the FAU. The appointment is listed as affiliation in the IdM-profile of the user. according to the period of the teaching appointment Member of the FAU: Art. 19 Abs. 1 Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG)
      Employees Doctorate Candidates Individuals who wish to pursue a doctorate at FAU.

      The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is put in effect implicitly, i.e. without application.

      Granting basis is the registration in the docDaten-Portal of the Graduate Centre of the FAU which is also listed as affiliation in the IdM-profile of the user. according to the dissertation project Member of the FAU: Art. 19 Abs. 1 Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG); FAU-Grundordnung §17b
      Employees Delegated Teachers Individuals who are on secondment to the FAU by the Ministry of Education (KM) for special teaching assignments and who are administered by the ZUV, Abteilung P

      The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is put in effect implicitly, i.e. without application.

      Granting basis is the secondment by the Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Bildung und Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst.
      according to the duration of secondment Member of the FAU: Art. 19 Abs. 1 Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG)
      Employees Researcher (UK)

      Individuals who are employed as scientists at the University Hospital of Erlangen

      The scientist must consent to the transfer of user profile data from the UKER to the FAU. The user submits the consent by filling in the appropriate form provided by the personnel administration of the UKER.

      The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is then put in effect implicitly, i.e. without application.

      The activation letter is automatically sent by mail to the address of the scientist.

      Granting basis is the release of the user profile of an individual listed as scientist in the personnel administration system of the University Hospital of Erlangen to the FAU.

      The occasion may arise that services that are offered by publishers, software suppliers or as part of a framework contact of universities or entities, cannot be used (based on the conditions for using these services).

      According to employment contract with the UKER

      Art. 19 Abs. 1, Art. 53 Abs. 1 Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG) in connection with Art. 12 Abs. 1 Bayerisches Universitätsklinikagesetz (BayUniKlinG)

      Student Students Individuals who are under administration of the FAU's Student Records Office student registry and who enrolled for a degree program at the FAU

      The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is put in effect implicitly, i.e. without application.

      Granting basis is enrollment at the FAU for a degree program End of current term (eg. 31.03. / 30.09.) member of FAU: Art. 19 Abs. 1 Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG)
      Student Early Students Pupils, who applied for early studies at the FAU and were admitted to attend the FAU ahead of time. In the case of minors, the signature of a parent or legal guardian is required.

      The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is put in effect explicitly, i.e. by application. An invittation to participate must be submitted with the application.

      Granting basis is an invitation to participate issued by the FAU's 'Projekt Frühstudium'.

      The occasion may arise that services that are offered by publishers, software suppliers or as part of a framework contact of universities or entities, cannot be used (based on the conditions for using these services).

      Duration as specified in the invitation to participate or until the end of the current semester (31.3./30.9.)

      <p>In formal terms, Early Students are Guest Students</p>

      <p>Art. 73 Abs. 3 Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG) i. V. m. Immatrikulationssatzung der FAU (§14 Abs. 3: Not member of FAU)</p>

      Student Guest Students

      Persons who want to participate in a guest degree program at the FAU. Further information:

      The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is put in effect implicitly, i.e., without application.

      The responsible student administration at FAU enters the data.

        Granting basis is an enrollment at the FAU for a guest degree program.

        The occasion may arise that services that are offered by publishers, software suppliers or as part of a framework contact of universities or entities, cannot be used (based on the conditions for using these services).

        duration as specified in the invitation to participate or until the end of the current semester (31.03. / 30.09.)

        Art. 73 Abs. 3 Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG) i. V. m. Immatrikulationssatzung der FAU (§14 Abs. 3: Not member of FAU)

        Student Cooperation Students Students of other universities who need access to FAU resources, because their lecturer teaches at the FAU.
        1. The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is put in effect explicitly, i.e. by application.
        2. The application must be signed by an IdM coordinator of the cooperating institute.

        Granting basis is the confirmation of the collaborative studies by the participating FAU-organizational unit.

        Students from German universities must submit a confirmation of supervision and a certificate of enrollment from their home university for the entire stay together with the IdM application.

        Students from universities are registered via the S-International Office and then submit the letter “Registration as a cooperation student” with the IdM application to the RRZE.

        Doctoral students from all universities other than FAU are always considered guest researchers.

        The occasion may arise that services that are offered by publishers, software suppliers or as part of a framework contact of universities or entities, cannot be used (based on the conditions for using these services).

        duration as specified in the invitation to participate or until the end of the current semester Didactic cooperation with organizational unit of the FAU
        Alumni Alumni Former students who have completed a degree at FAU and are registered in the FAU Community.

        1. An IdM account has already been provided for this user group either during their studies or will be provided upon application.
        In case of a new application or reactivation, the requirements are proved by FAU-Alumni-Management.
        In case of a new application, the delivery of the activation letter is done by the alumni management.

        The prerequisites are

        • a degree completed at FAU
        • membership of FAU’s alumni network
        • FAU’s regulations
        • the decision of the Executive Board (according to regulations)

        The provision of the IdM-Id and an alumni mailbox is carried out over the course of the alumni membership.

        According to duration of the alumni membership.

        Art. 73 Abs. 3 Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG) i. V. m. Satzung der FAU
        Alumni Researcher Alumni Former visiting researchers who have spent at least three months at FAU and who are internationally mobile and registered in the FAU Community.
        1. An IdM account has already been provided for this user group either during their studies or will be provided upon application.
        2. In case of a new application or reactivation, the requirements are proved by FAU-Alumni-Management.
        3. The confirmation of activation (login details) is sent by post if a new application is made

        The prerequisites are

        • a stay of at least three months performing research at FAU
        • membership of FAU’s alumni network
        • FAU’s regulations
        • the decision of the Executive Board (according to regulations)
        The provision of the IdM-Id and an alumni mailbox is carried out over the course of the alumni membership.
        According to duration of the alumni membership.
        Art. 73 Abs. 3 Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG) i. V. m. Satzung der FAU
        Others Guest Lecturer Teachers whose teaching (usually in single or block courses) is not paid and who have not received a teaching assignment of the FAU
        1. The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is put in effect explicitly, i.e. by application.
        2. The application must be signed by an IdM coordinator of the FAU-organizational unit that benefits from this activity.
        3. Justification for an IdM username must be submitted along with the application  at a service counter of the RRZE.

        Granting basis is:

        • either a written contract with a FAU organizational unit concerning the teaching activities
        • or the informal invitation of the future guest lecturer with indication of the period of teaching by the head of an RRZE organisational unit or study committee.

          The occasion may arise that services that are offered by publishers, software suppliers or as part of a framework contact of universities or entities, cannot be used (based on the conditions for using these services).

          based on the duration of the current employment contract or invitation invitation to give a guest lecture by a faculty chair or a professor of the FAU.
          Others Guest Researchers People who come to FAU for a limited period as a guest and work here academically in research and teaching.
          1. The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is put in effect explicitly, i.e. by application.
          2. The application must be signed by an IdM coordinator of the FAU-organizational unit that hosts this user.

          Granting basis is a guest researcher contract concluded in accordance with

          If a guest researcher is to be provided with an IdM account outside of this regulation, a confirmation from the ZUV must be provided that a different procedure may be used in this case.

          The occasion may arise that services that are offered by publishers, software suppliers or as part of a framework contact of universities or entities, cannot be used (based on the conditions for using these services).

          equivalent to the confirmed stay of the guest, no more than 2 years Contract in favour of/with the FAU that explicitly names the FAU as host/partner in research and that is known at the FAU before arrival of the guest researcher, by resolution of the university leadership of 11.10.2023
          Others Trainees Individuals with trainee contracts without compensation from a FAU-organizational unit
          1. The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is put in effect explicitly, i.e. by application.
          2. Proof of trainee contract must be submitted along with the application
          Granting basis is a trainee contract between a trainee and the FAU for a trainee program indicating beginning and end of the trainee program
          • The occasion may arise that services that are offered by publishers, software suppliers or as part of a framework contact of universities or entities, cannot be used (based on the conditions for using these services).
          according to the trainee contract trainee contract with a FAU organizational Unit. The hosts of "Erasmus Placement Students" should please contact ZUV Abt. P Referat P3 and also ZUV Referat L2ZUV Referat L2 ERASMUS Hochschulkoordination
          Others Service Partner Individuals who perform work as employees of a contractor for an FAU-organizational unit.
          1. The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is put in effect explicitly, i.e. by application.
          2. The application must be signed by an IdM coordinator of the contracting FAU-Organizational unit.
          Proof of the legal basis must be provided if this is not already available to the RRZE. The RRZE provides the requested IT-services required for the execution of the service-contract after approval per IT-Service for the time it is necessary to complete the service contract, as long as this does not exceed the maximum duration. duration of the service contract; no more than twelve (12) months
          • Maintenance-, service- or procurement contract of an FAU-Organizational unit with a service-partne. Persons who require access based on higher law (e.g. auditing, Court of Auditors) are also created with this user type.
          Others Customer Employees Employees and students of an external institution (see legal basis))who entered into an IT-service contract with the RRZE. If an IdM-username is necessary for the provisioning of the requested IT-services the following applies:
          1. The issue of an IdM username for this type of user is put in effect explicitly, i.e. by application.
          2. The application must be signed by an IdM coordinator of the contracted partner
          Granting basis is a service contract with possible contractual partners:
          • a Bavarian state or state-certified university:
            • Bavarian universities
            • Bavarian university hospitals
            • Bavarian universities for applied sciences
            • Bavarian art colleges
          • an An-Institut of the FAU
          • an institution that is attached to the FAU with an indefinite contract of cooperation
          The RRZE provides the IT services regulated in the service contract; if necessary, these must be requested via workflow after activating the IdM account in the IdM portal.
          minimum of affiliation of the person to the associated external institution and duration of the service contract, no more than 3 years Service contract with:
          • a Bavarian state or state-certified university:
            • Bavarian universities
            • Bavarian university hospitals
            • Bavarian universities for applied sciences
            • Bavarian art colleges
          • an AN-Institute of the FAU
          • an institution that is attached to the FAU with an indefinite contract of cooperation
          Others Delegated persons Individuals of an external institution or company who in the interest of the FAU perform activities that serve the agreement  or are private employees of a chair at the FAU.
          1. The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is put in effect explicitly, i.e. by application.
          2. The application must be signed by an IdM coordinator of the employing or cooperating FAU-organizational unit .
          Proof of the legal basis must be provided if this is not already available to the RRZE.

          The RRZE provides requested IT-services for individuals after approval of each IT-service

          duration of secondment, no more than 3 years
          • institutional unlimited contract of cooperation of the external institution where the individual is employed with the FAU
          • project-related, limited contract of cooperation of the external institution/company where the individual is employed with an organizational unit of the FAU, where secondments of indivduals are regulated as part of contract compliance.
          • Cooperation in the context of a DFG Collaborative Research Center (SFB).
          • employee contract with an individual with a chief employee/civil service employee of an organizational unit of the FAU, where employment at the FAU is regulated.
          Others Non-scientist (UK)

          Persons who are employed at the University Hospital Erlangen, who are not scientists (UK) and perform activities in the interest of FAU

          1. The person must consent to the transfer of user profile data from the UKER to the FAU. The user submits the consent by filling in the appropriate form provided by the personnel administration of the UKER.
          2. The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is then put in effect implicitly, i.e. without application.
          3. The activation of the IdM-username is completed.
          4. Postal delivery of the activation letter (login information) is possible.
          5. In case the profile data of the user is not available yet in the IdM there could be several reasons for it:
            • The consent of the person for data transfer is missing. Consent must be provided to the personnel administration of the UKER.
            • The applicant is not yet listed as non-scientist in the personnel administration of the UKER. This must be clarified with the personnel administration of the UKER.
            • The latest data transfer of the UKER to the FAU took place before the date when the person provided consent for data transfer. Within the next two weeks there should be a data transfer of the UKER to the FAU and activation should be possible.

          Granting basis is the release of the user profile of an individual listed in the personnel administration system of the University Hospital of Erlangen to the FAU. The associated affiliation is listed in the IdM-profile of the user.

          • The occasion may arise that services that are offered by publishers, software suppliers or as part of a framework contact of universities or entities, cannot be used (based on the conditions for using these services).

          According to employment contract with the UKER

          §2 Abs. 2 IT-R Guideline for the Provision and Use of Information Technology Systems and Procedures at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg

          Others Others Individuals who need access to specific IT-services but do not fit into any other user type.
          1. The issue of an IdM-username for this type of user is put in effect explicitly, i.e. by application.
          2. The application must be signed by an IdM coordinator of the FAU-organizational unit that is interested in the provisioning of IT-services for the applicant by the RRZE.
          3. The justification for the requested services must include a statement that clarifies to the RRZE that there is an entitlement for IT-service support and an acceptable need
          For this type of user there is no condition. Granting basis for the application is evaluated by the RRZE on an individual basis.
          • The RRZE provides the requested IT-services, if in principle an entitlement for the support is apparent and the service requirement is approved by the RRZE.
          • The occasion may arise that services that are offered by publishers, software suppliers or as part of a framework contact of universities or entities, cannot be used.
          equivalent to the confirmed stay or six (6) months Applications from HPC users who are members of a German university/large research institution/university hospital must be accepted on the grounds that "HPC use is to be provided free of charge throughout Germany".